Subject: RE: sugarcoating
From: "Smith, Brad" <>
Date: 4/17/2006, 12:39 PM


I believe that if we're going to have this crazy system, the money ought
to flow to Fulani, LaRouche, and even the real fringe candidates, like -
well, I won't mention the various major party candidates I have in mind.
I haven't changed there at all.  And I did fight efforts to make it
harder for minor party candidates to obtain government funds.  If we
want to have the system, it should indeed not be biased against minor
parties.  That's also one reason among many that I would like to see
contribution caps substantially raised or abolished.  But I fail to see
how any of this suggests that the Presidential funding law does not
deserve to be disparaged as a bad law.

Bradley A. Smith
Professor of Law
Capital University Law School
Columbus, Ohio

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 1:15 PM
Subject: sugarcoating

Since I brought up Lenora Fulani's 1989 statement that
Jews have functioned as mass murderers of people of
color, I will add that I believe her remark was
untrue, inaccurate and even bigoted.  I wish she would
express regret for it.  I acknowledge the posting that
pointed out she had a chance to retract it, and she

I hope not to lose sight of the larger point, however.
 Brad Smith had told me that he had personally fought
attempts by certain other FEC commissioners to make it
more difficult for candidates to qualify for primary
season matching funds.  Therefore, it was a
disappointment to me to read that he has now jumped on
the bandwagon of trying to disparage one of the few
federal election laws that seems to treat all
candidates equally.

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