Subject: 2004 "faithless elector-wanna be" runs for Congress, switched from Rep to Dem
From: "" <>
Date: 4/24/2006, 1:49 PM

In September and October 2004, one of the Republican
candidates for presidential elector, Richie Robb,
Mayor of South Charleston, said he would not vote for
President Bush in the electoral college.  He said he
didn't know whom he would vote for, so he was publicly
an "unpledged elector".  He was elected to the
electoral college, and he changed his mind and did
vote for Bush in December 2004.

Late last year he changed his registration from
Democrat to Republican, and is now running in the
Democratic primary for US House, 2nd district (a seat
now held by a Republican).  The Dem primary this year
is a 3-way race.

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