Subject: RE: Campaign Legal Center Launches New Blog
From: "Trevor Potter" <>
Date: 4/27/2006, 11:42 AM
To: "Bauer, Bob \(Perkins Coie\)" <>, "Bonin, Adam C." <>,

I wonder on occasion what, exactly, Bob  is in FAVOR of : I am delighted to discover that the answer is our Blog!

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Bauer, Bob  (Perkins Coie) []
Sent:	Thu Apr 27 14:33:21 2006
To:	Bonin, Adam C.;
Subject:	RE: Campaign Legal Center Launches New Blog

I too am pleased with the news: in heaven, really.

	-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bonin,
Adam C.
	Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:44 PM
	Subject: RE: Campaign Legal Center Launches New Blog

	If this doesn't scream, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," I
don't know what does. :)

	Adam C. Bonin

	Cozen O'Connor

	1900 Market Street

	Philadelphia, PA  19103

	(215) 665-2051 (w)

	(215) 701-2321 (f)


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[] On Behalf Of
		Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:02 PM
		Subject: Campaign Legal Center Launches New Blog

		Effective today, the Campaign Legal Center is proud to
announce that it will begin posting comments on issues of campaign
finance reform, ethics and lobbying reform, media law and policy,
redistricting reform and the Voting Rights Act.   These comments will be
posted on the Legal Center's blo g which can be accessed at
034420E0000/>   Contributors will include staff members
of the Campaign Legal Center, members of the Legal Center's Board of
Trustees, and the Center's Advisory Board. You can receive these
postings by email when you sign up for the blog on the CLC blog website.
The Campaign Legal Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization!
which works in the areas of campaign finance, communications, government
ethics, and other election law related issues.  Gerry Hebert, Executive
Director and Director of Litigation, Campaign Legal Center

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