<x-flowed>---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Date: Apr 28, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: You're Invited: CFP Electronic Voting Tutorial this Tuesday, May 2
To: Jack Lerner
<jlerner@law.berkeley.edu>, Matt Zimmerman
<mattz@eff.org>, Joseph Lorenzo Hall
<joehall@berkeley.edu>, Lillie
(please forward as you see fit to interested parties)
You are cordially invited to join us this Tuesday, May 2nd from 1:30-4:30pm
for a comprehensive tutorial on electronic voting. The tutorial is part of
the 2006 Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference at L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
in Washington, DC.
WHAT: Comprehensive tutorial on latest developments in electronic voting;
see detailed description below.
WHERE: L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington DC, Monet
Suite III, Second Level
WHEN: Tuesday, May 2nd from 1:30-4:30pm
HOW: Congressional Member/staff or Government staff will be admitted free of
charge. For all others, the fee is $130 for the tutorial. Registration
instructions are available at
This tutorial will describe in depth the latest developments in electronic
voting. Professor Avi Rubin, Director of A Center for Correct, Usable,
Reliable, Auditable and Transparent Elections (ACCURATE) which is supported
by the National Science Foundation, will outline the structural defects and
technical vulnerabilities that threaten free and fair elections. The rest of
the program will include: an assessment of setbacks in HAVA implementation
across the nation; an overview of major electronic voting systems and
vendors; the latest legislative efforts at both the federal and state level;
an overview of current litigation; an assessment of major security threats
to electronic voting systems; information about technology options for
concurrently providing accessibility, anonymity and security; a discussion
of the multiplier effect electronic voting systems have on long-standing
voting rights issues; and an analysis of how legal issues such as
intellectual property claims and frustrate efforts by elections
administration officials on oversight, auditing, security testing, and
monitoring. The tutorial will conclude with an assessment of the leading
reform proposals and a summary of major issues that should be addressed in
future legislative reform efforts.
WHO: The organizers are
Jack Lerner, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic, UC-Berkeley
Joseph Lorenzo Hall, School for Information, UC-Berkeley
Matt Zimmerman, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Lillie Coney, Associate Director Electronic Privacy Information Center
(EPIC), Coordinator, National Committee for Voting Integrity (NCVI)
For more information, please contact Jack Lerner at (415) 577-2455 /
jlerner@law.berkeley.edu or Joe Hall at (510) 759-1597 /
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
PhD Student, UC Berkeley, School of Information
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