Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/30/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/29/2006, 10:04 PM
To: election-law

"Recall Backers Win Legal Point"

The San Gabriel Tribune offers this report, which for some reason I cannot now access. But it appears to be about the impact of the Ninth Circuit's withdrawal of the opinion in Padilla v. Lever and how that might affect the Rosemead recall litigation. I now understand that the oral argument in Padilla will take place in June, so that solves part of the mystery.

New Campaign Legal Center Blog

Back on March 23, I noted that "there's a great niche here for a reformer to start a blog to make the pro-regulation case, in case anyone is interested." Now it has happened. Check out the CLCBlog from the Campaign Legal Center. I'll be visiting regularly.

Center for Responsive Politics Seeks Executive Director

This could be a terrific opportunity for someone.

"Miss. gov helped company implicated in election dirty tricks"

AP offers this report, which begins: "A GOP telemarketing firm implicated in two criminal prosecutions involving election dirty tricks got its startup money from Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, financial records show."

"Are the Lines Really to Blame?"

Richard E. Cohen has written this article for National Journal (paid subscription required). A snippet: "The drawing of House districts by state governments has few vocal defenders. But whether redistricting is the chief culprit for a supposed breakdown in democracy, and whether the reformers' goal of imposing nonpartisan procedures on redistricting would make much difference, are highly debatable points"

California Supreme Court to Hear Election Law Case

The California Supreme Court has agreed to hear Vargas v. City of Salinas. From the Court of Appeal opinion: "This appeal follows the grant of a special motion to strike the plaintiffs' complaint as a strategic lawsuit against public participation. The complaint alleged improper government expenditures for communications concerning a local initiative election. Reviewing the matter de novo, we conclude that the defense motion was properly granted. We therefore affirm."

Two Legislation Papers by Staszewski

Glen Staszewski has posted on SSRN The Bait and Switch in Direct Democracy (Wisconsin Law Review). Here is the abstract:

He has also posted Avoiding Absurdity (Indiana Law Journal). Here is the abstract:

President Bush on Voting Rights Act Renewal

From this press availability:

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax