Subject: RE: Plan to give D.C. a Vote in Congress Advances
From: "Michael Richardson" <>
Date: 5/11/2006, 5:10 PM

> Similarly, DC residents find themselves with all the burdens of state residents (full federal taxation, etc.), that do not apply to residents of non-state territories, whereas they receive few of the benefits (including, most importantly, self-government and federal representation). 

David Becker makes a good argument for DC residents to have representation.  The case for Presidential voting rights and/or representation in Congress in the territories also has some similar arguments.  In Puerto Rico, the benefits of statehood status are extended to many domains while the limitations of erritorial status continue to call out for correction.  Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) argues that the simple remedy is a voting rights amendment.  U.S. citizenship should not be diluted by residence.

Michael Richardson

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