Subject: [Fwd: CFI Announces Book Publication: The Election After Reform]
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/12/2006, 2:33 PM
To: election-law

I thought this release (particularly with the links) would be of interest to many list members.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFI Announces Book Publication: The Election After Reform
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 16:38:58 -0400
From: Campaign Finance Institute <>
To: update <>

For Immediate Release Contact: Michael Malbin
May 2006 (202) 969-8890

CFI's New Book

Money, Politics and the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

Now available from Rowman & Littlefield

The Campaign Finance Institute in pleased to announce that its book, The Election After Reform: Money, Politics and the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (edited by Michael J. Malbin) is now available from Rowman & Littlefield.

Michael J. Malbin is executive director of The Campaign Finance Institute and Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, State University of New York. The book is made up of eleven chapters by some of the country's leading political scientists in the field.

Copies may be ordered directly from the publisher at Summaries and tables remain available at


From the back cover:
Claims and counterclaims flew during debates over the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. Some said the law would undermine the political parties, weaken free speech, curtail competition, and strengthen the very interest groups it was meant to weaken. Others said the law would do nothing of the sort: it would root out a serious problem, the parties would be fine, and the system would thrive. Reality, it turns out, was more complex than either position. The Election After Reform is the first serious book to get beyond speculations by looking at real evidence-the first elections under the new law. From it, the reader learns not only about the politics of 2004 but how to begin assessing the effects of reform.
From the opening chapter:

"The short-term effects of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 seem clear. Abolishing party soft money for federal elections put officeholders and federal candidates out of the business of asking for unlimited party contributions. Surprisingly, the absence of soft money did not hurt the major parties' overall fundraising totals in 2004, especially the national party committees that spent heavily to support presidential candidates. Among nonparty organizations, concern felt about the presidential race helped stimulate mega-donations from a few former soft money donors to 527 committees. The increase in 527 money equaled less than half of the value of party soft money. Even so, the overwhelming majority of party soft money donors—especially corporate donors—did not increase their 527 giving or hard money giving to make up for the soft money that BCRA took out of the system. Finally, the sections of the law on electioneering had a modest effect on the timing and funding for political advertising. However—and acknowledging that there may be individual stories to the contrary—it is hard from our vantage point to see any systematic effect on the amount, content, diversity, or intensity of political speech.

"Although BCRA's short-term effects are clear, the future is less so. The massive increase in hard money contributions in 2004 occurred during a polarized election in which national security issues commanded the voters' attention. We do not know whether the next few elections will raise equally compelling issues. One could argue the point both ways.... We will have to track the results through additional cycles to know how much the parties' success depended upon temporary issues as opposed to a strengthened organizational capacity that will be sustained."



1. Assessing the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
Michael J. Malbin provides an overview of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act and the questions raised by the election of 2004 that will be addressed in further detail in the later chapters of the book.

I. The Political Parties Post BCRA

2. Party Finance in the Wake of BCRA: An Overview
Anthony Corrado shows that the national parties responded to the loss of soft money by redoubling their fundraising efforts for hard money (i.e., money within federal contribution limits). As a result, the parties raised more hard money in 2003-2004, the first election cycle under BCRA, than hard and soft money combined in either of the previous two cycles when soft money made up about half of the parties' total receipts. [View tables from this chapter]

3. The Parties’ Congressional Campaign Committees in 2004
Diana Dwyre and Robin Kolodny note that the congressional campaign committees did not make up as quickly as the two national committees for all of the soft money they lost. The two House committees raised slightly less than their past years' combined hard and soft money, while the two Senate committees fell well short of their previous combined totals. However, all four committees raised much more hard money than they had in the past, with increases coming in the amounts from both large and small donors. [View tables and figures from this chapter]

4. State and Local Parties
According to Raymond La Raja, the state parties raised and spent about the same amount of money reportable to the Federal Election Commission in 2004 as in 2000, minus the transfers. In itself, that is not so surprising. Perhaps more significant was that once you remove spending for broadcast advertising, Republican state parties in 2004 spent more on their other activities and Democratic state parties about the same amount they had in 2000. In other words, the soft money spent on advertising essentially was "pass-through" money, with its absence apparently not having a major effect on the remaining activity (including grassroots voter mobilization and administration) or on the financial health of the state parties. [View tables and figures from this chapter]

II. Interest Groups, Advocacy Organizations and Major Donors

5. 527 Groups and BCRA
According to Stephen R. Weissman and Ruth Hassan, federally active 527 committees raised and spent about $424 million during the 2004 cycle, which is about $273 million more than comparable 527s raised in the 2002 cycle, before BCRA. The increase, therefore, equals less than half of the political party soft money that BCRA banned. Moreover, the authors' analysis of all individual contributions to 527 committees of $5,000 or more shows that most of the former soft money donors did not give to 527s. So the 527s did not replace party soft money. Even so, the 527s were a major force. [View tables and figures from this chapter]

6. Interest Groups and Advocacy Organizations after BCRA
Robert Boatright, Michael J. Malbin, Mark Rozell, and Clyde Wilcox focus on ongoing interest groups and advocacy organizations. While a few major soft money donors did increase their giving to 527 committees markedly, the vast majority—and especially the largest, publicly traded corporations and their employees—did not do so. BCRA's electioneering provisions affected the funding, timing and sponsorship of some specific groups' advertising, but many were shifting before BCRA to ground war politics because the election's character made it more important to turn out one's supporters than to persuade voters who had remained undecided. [View tables from this chapter]

III. Air Wars and Ground Wars

7. Much More of the Same: Television Advertising pre- and post-BCRA
Michael Franz, Joel Rivlin and Kenneth Goldstein ask whether BCRA significantly affected the amount or content of political advertising in 2004. They also test a provision in BCRA that aimed to reduce the negative tone of campaigning—requiring candidates to "stand by" their ads by appearing in them personally. In short, they conclude, with respect both to the content and frequency: "Advertising in post-BCRA America is largely the same as in pre-BCRA America." [View tables and figures from this chapter]

8. Stepping Out of the Shadows: Ground War Activity in 2004
David Magleby and Kelly Patterson note in chapter 8 that the renewed emphasis in campaigning on personal contact, targeted mail, and phone banks has been evident since 1998. However, the authors suggest that BCRA helped accelerate the process. Because BCRA excludes these activities from the definition of electioneering, they remain the main source of late election season activity open to be funded by corporations and labor unions. [View tables from this chapter]

IV. Candidates and Elections

9. The First Congressional Elections after BCRA
BCRA raised the limit on individual contributions to candidates from $1,000 to $2,000. This doubling of the limit, Gary C. Jacobson points out, recaptured only about half of the value the maximum contribution had lost to inflation since 1974. However, Jacobson says, "the flow of campaign funds is so thoroughly dominated by the strategic considerations that shape congressional campaign finance" that BCRA's substantive effects on congressional elections "were swamped by other, far more fundamental considerations." The most basic of these are, first, that few House elections are competitive and, second, that people tend not to give money to candidates who do not have a chance. [View tables and figures from this chapter]

10. Self-Financed Candidates and the “Millionaires’ Amendment”
One BCRA provision that was expected to apply to only a few races in any year was the "Millionaires’ Amendment." Under this provision a candidate with a self-financed opponent may be able, under certain circumstances, to accept higher contributions from individuals than would be permitted under the normal contribution limit. According to Jennifer A. Steen, ninety-three candidates were eligible in 2004 to raise money under increased contribution limits (eighty-five candidates in primaries and eight in general elections), but only a few raised significant amounts from donors who gave more than $2,000. [View tables and figures from this chapter]

11. The Presidential Election and the Future of Public Funding
The final chapter, by Michael J. Malbin, is about presidential financing. It focuses on the nomination period. Unless the public funding system is modified, the chapter argues that the only presidential candidates likely to stand a chance in the future will be those who can afford to opt out of the public matching fund system because they are (1) personally wealthy, (2) incumbents or front-runners well tapped into loyal networks of major donors, or (3) factional candidates who are able to build intense followings. Other kinds of underdog candidates may not have the wherewithal to keep their campaigns viable even until the early primaries. [View tables from this chapter]

The Campaign Finance Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit institute affiliated with the George Washington University that conducts objective research and education, empanels task forces and makes recommendations for policy change in the field of campaign finance. Statements of the Campaign Finance Institute and its Task Forces do not necessarily reflect the views of CFI's Trustees or financial supporters.

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Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax