I received this query from Kuwait, and I don't know
the answer. If anyone does, feel free to respond
directly to the person who asked the question, or to
me, whichever you wish.
My e-mail service, yahoo, has been performly very
badly the last 10 days. I don't get many e-mails that
I should be getting. So, on 2nd thought, please
respond directly to Raymond Barrett. Thank you.
--- Raymond Barrett <r_barrett73@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: 13 May 2006 07:51:11 -0700
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 07:51:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Raymond Barrett <r_barrett73@yahoo.com>
Subject: From Kuwait - Steve's friend raymond
To: ban@richardwinger.com
Dear Richard,
Sorry that I have not emailed before but I have been
very busy since we met.
I was wondering if I could call you regarding an
electoral issue here in Kuwait? The gov. is reducing
the number of districts and I was wondering if I
speak to you on what impact having fewer
constitutiences has on independent, alternative
Raymond Barrett
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