Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/19/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/19/2006, 9:05 AM
To: election-law

"Southern lawmakers work to delay extension of Voting Rights Act"

Those interested in VRA renewal should not miss this report, originally appearing in the Dallas Morning News. In addition to providing information on the moves of the Texas and Georgia delegations in the House that I noted a few days ago, it contains this information from the Senate side of things:

This may get more interesting than originally anticipated.

More VRA Renewal Information

Abigail Thernstrom's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee is here. There have also been some interesting posts on the Election law listserv regarding renewal, including these posts by David Lublin, David Epstein, Mark Posner, Keith Gaddie (responding to Nate Persily's guest blog post---see also this response from Nate), James Blacksher, David Becker, Lublin again, and Blacksher again.

"Is Bipartisan Redistricting Reform Achievable?"

Ned Foley has this post on redistricting reform possibilities in Ohio. His earlier thoughts on the current proposal are here. There's more information on the Ohio redistricting process here and Dan Tokaji has further thoughts on how to improve the current redistricting bill here.

"Comprehensive CGS Report Provides Analysis of State and Local"

The following just arrived via email:

Steve is one of my former star students, and I am very much looking forward to reading this report.

"527 Group Fundraising Grew More Slowly in First Quarter of 2006 than 2004 ; Pro-Democratic Federal 527s Outraised Pro-Republican Ones 3-1"

The Campaign Finance Institute has issued this report.

Three-judge Court Upholds Challenge to Georgia State Senate Redistricting Plan

You can find the opinion here. Plaintiffs raised one person, one vote and partisan gerrymandering claims.

"Fight Club Politics"

I just received a copy in the mail of Juliet Eilperin's Fight Club Politics: How Partisanship is Poisoning the House of Representatives. Chapter 6 is entitled "The Road to Redistricting Reform." This should be an interesting read.

"League of Women Voters, Others File Suit to Stop Florida Law's 'Chilling' Effect On Voter Registration "

The Brennan Center has issued this press release, which begins: " A new Florida law that imposes crippling fines on voter registration groups was challenged in a lawsuit filed in federal court here today. The plaintiffs, civic organizations and voting rights groups that have been working in Florida through many election cycles without government interference, say that the law has shut down or dramatically curtailed their efforts to help eligible voters get on the rolls."

The Legal Irrelevance of Bilbray's Current Residence

Via Political Wire comes this report that a candidate for the 50th Congressional district in California may not in fact be a resident of the district. This may well have political implications, but the article suggests it may have legal ones as well. ("If Bilbray lives in Virginia, he may not be eligible to run for the congressional seat here.")

I don't think that's right. In Schaefer v. Townsend, 215 F.3d 1031 (9th Cir. 2000), the Ninth Circuit held that "California's requirement that candidates to the House of Representatives reside within the state before election violates the Constitution by handicapping the class of nonresident candidates who otherwise satisfy the Qualifications Clause."

"Former Bush Campaign Official Sentenced to Prison"

Reuters offers this report on sentencing in the New Hampshire phone scandal.

"Taxpayer-financed campaigns deliver same old, same old"

The Oregonian offers this editorial. UPDATE: For a rosier view, see this press release, "Voter-Owned Election (VOE) Brings People-Powered Politics to Portland ; Report on May 2006 Primary Shows System Works." The full report is here.

Will this Tension on the Senate Judiciary Committee Make It Harder to Gain Cooperation on VRA Renewal?

See here.

"Avila v. Menendez; Latino voting right activists-and long-time colleagues-disagree about land-use initiative."

Monterey County Weekly offers this report related to Padilla v. Lever litigation in Monterey County. Yesterday, Michael D. DeLapa and Gary A. Patton had an oped on the same subject in the Sacramento Bee, but for some reason there is no link to it on the Bee's website. [UPDATE: You can now find it here.]
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax