The Republican National Committee recently chose dates
for the 2008 national convention, Sep. 1-4, 2008.
Sept. 4 is only 61 days before the Nov. 4, 2008
election, and that would probably be the date the
presidential and vice-presidential nominees are named.
A few states require the ballot to be certified
earlier than that. California requires it 68 days
before the November election (which is late August),
and Alabama and Illinois require it by September 2.
There may be other states with deadlines earlier than
Sept. 4 as well. If anyone knows, let me know.
I imagine the Republican Party will try to get bills
passed, moderating these state deadlines, as they did
in 2003 (because the 2004 convention was Aug. 31-Sep.
2). The bill in California to excuse this was
sunsetted and no longer is in the code.
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