Republican nominees for US House, nationwide, in 2004
got 51.4% of the two-party vote, not the entire vote.
Republicans got less than 50% of the entire vote cast
for US House in 2004. The full results were:
Republican 49.96%, Democratic 47.30%, minor parties
and independents 2.74%. (My denominator for these
percentages excludes blank votes and scattered
As to Brad's Texas percentages, they are somewhat
misleading because the Democrats didn't have nominees
in so many Texas districts. One can make an
adjustment to take account of that, substituting the
presidential vote, proportionately, in all the
districts in which one of the major parties didn't run
anyone for US House. When one does that, one finds
that the truer two-party Texas US House vote in 2004
was Republican 57%, Democratic 43%.
--- "Smith, Brad" <> wrote:
Nationwide, Republicans won
51.4% of the congressional vote, and won 53.3% of
the seats. In Texas, Republicans won 66% of the
seats, with about 60% of the vote, more
representative of the state's divisions than the
earlier map.
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