Subject: Re: Calif. Secty of State doesn't want poll workers to inform Indp. Voters of their choices
From: Edward Still
Date: 5/25/2006, 11:30 AM

<x-flowed>Since there a handful of counties in California covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, I suggest that this new policy must be submitted for preclearance.

Ed Still, Birmingham AL

At 12:52 PM 5/25/2006, wrote:
I live in California.  Yesterday I attended a training
class for precinct elections officials.  We were
instructed not to tell independent voters that they
are free to choose to vote in the Democratic and
Republican primaries.  This is "orders from the
Secretary of State", and quite different from our
instructions in past elections.  The California major
parties have been letting independents vote in their
primaries starting in 2002 (except Republicans
excluded independents from their presidential primary
in 2004, but permitted them to vote for all office
other than president).

If an independent voter asks about his or her choices,
we can answer truthfully; but we can't volunteer any information.
