Somewhat related, the State of Washington is being sued over legislation
requiring the state to disqualify voters whose registration does not
properly match other state and federal ID records.
Richard Shepard, Attorney at Law
Shepard Law Office, Inc.
818 S. Yakima Ave., #200
Tacoma, WA 98405
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:18 AM
Subject: US Senate vote on McConnell photo ID at polls amendment
Thanks to Dan Tokaji and others, for the link to the
US Senate roll-call on the McConnell amendment to the
immigration bill. The McConnell would have required
states to require govt photo ID at the polls, for
federal elections. Ultimately that amendment didn't
get attached to the immigration bill. But there was
an interesting roll call earlier (yesterday) on
whether to table the McConnell amendment. The Senate
voted not to table McConnell's amendment, 49-48. Four
Republicans voted in favor of tabling McConnell's
amendment (i.e., 4 Republicans voted against govt
photo ID at the polls). They are the two Republican
US Senators from Ohio (Voinovich and DeWine), Chafee
of Rhode Island, and Sununu of New Hampshire.
Senator McCain voted with the vast majority of his
Republican colleagues, in favor of requiring govt
photo ID's.
No Democratic Senator voted in favor of that idea.
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