Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/31/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/31/2006, 7:57 AM
To: election-law

Bob Bauer Responds to My Findlaw Column on VRA Renewal

See here. It begins:

Bob concludes:

"GOP bill proposes photo IDs for voters"

See this news from North Carolina.

"Bill to Bolster Election Clout Gains; The Assembly passes a measure to pledge the state's Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote."

The LA Times offers this report.

"More Splits in House GOP Ranks"

This article in The Hill notes Voting Rights Act reauthorization among the issues dividing Republicans in the House. "[A] number of Southern members have problems with the current Voting Rights Act because, they argue, it establishes unnecessarily difficult standards for counties in their states."

"2008: Time Right for Third Party Ticket"

"The Fix" (Washington Post) has this interesting blog post.

"Why Not Dial-In Democracy, Too?"

Ethan Leib has this piece in the Washington Post. A snippet: "So if we look at how 'American Idol' works, we might pick up a few cues for a better way to run our real elections and inspire some passion for politics. Consider these four lessons of American Idol democracy." This is at least the second American Idol/elections piece run by the Post. I noted the earlier one here.

"Administering the New Voter ID Rule Reasonably"

David Stebenne has written this comment for the OSU election law site.

Answers to Judiciary Committee Questions on VRA Renewal

After my appearance at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Voting Rights Act renewal earlier this month (testimony here), I received follow-up questions from Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter, and from Senators Cornyn and Sessions. I have posted my responses to the questions here.

New from the Initiative and Referendum Institute

The Institute has issued a report, Paid Petitioners After Prete, examining a recent Ninth Circuit case holding that it is constitutional for a jurisdiction to bar the payment of petition circulators on a per signature basis.

The Institute has also issued useful data on initiative use in the U.S. from 1904-2005.

"Pildes Turns Down Harvard, To Remain at NYU"

Brian Leiter has the scoop on a decision that will make many at NYU very happy.

"State Senator Argues for Closing Primaries"

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has this article on a case recently heard by the Fourth Circuit. More coverage at the Jaded J.D..
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax