Subject: New Turnout Statistics Available
From: Michael McDonald
Date: 6/5/2006, 12:24 PM
To: election-law

I have calculated new voting-age population and voting-eligible population
estimates in anticipation for the 2006 general election, available here:

Personally, I find the recent increases in non-citizen population in places
like Kansas and Georgia very interesting.  The House version of the
immigration bill, which would make illegal immigrants felons, takes on new
meaning when one places this in the context of permanent felony
disfranchisement laws.  With further regards to the recent discussion on
felony disfranchisement, I would appreciate if anyone can relay (off-list)
to changes in felon disfranchisement laws since the 2004 election.

Also of minor note, I have posted new 2004 VAP and VEP turnout estimates
based on updated statistics, most notably the recent July 2005 population

These will likely be the last changes to the 2004 estimates until the 2010
census and the related inter-censal voting-age population adjustments are
released sometime around 2012.

Dr. Michael P. McDonald
Assistant Professor, George Mason University
Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution

                          Mailing address:
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