Subject: automark voting machine in San Francisco
From: "" <>
Date: 6/7/2006, 12:34 PM

Yesterday I was a precinct polling clerk in San
Francisco.  We clerks had been trained to cope with
the new Automark voting machine.  Starting with
yesterday's election, one automark machine is in each
precinct in San Francisco, for voters who are either
blind, or who have trouble holding a marker in their
hands.  This is to comply with HAVA.

The expectation was that the majority of San Francisco
polling place voters would not use the new Automark
machine.  Instead, the typical voter would vote by
marking a paper ballot with a marker (the same system
used in San Franciso for some years now).

In reality, not one single voter in my precinct used
the Automark voting machine.  It sat off in a corner
and was not even noticed.  I heard from a roving city
elections employee that my precinct was typical, and
that other precincts also reported no one using the
Automark machine.

I believe each Automark machine costs $6,000.

Turnout yesterday was so light, there was no moment
all day long when any voter had to wait for an empty
voting booth.

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