Subject: 44 Reps. Sign Letter Opposing VRA Renewal Under Suspension
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 6/9/2006, 11:59 AM
To: election-law

44 House Republicans Sign Letter to Speaker Opposing Plan to Pass VRA Renewal Through a "Supsension" Vote (That is, without the opportunity to debate or add amendments)

Forty-four conservative members of the House of Representatives have sent this letter to Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader Boehner urging that the VRA renewal currently pending before Congress "be given full floor consideration, including amendments" rather than the plan to bring the matter up on the suspension calendar without the opportunity to debate or add amendments.

The letter further states: "We fully support renewal of the VRA, but only if it can be modernized." Another snippet:

It ends with an implicit threat:

Strong stuff. We'll see if it affects the form of debate in the House.
Posted by Rick Hasen at 11:57 AM
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax