Subject: RE:"House Delays Renewal of Voting Rights Act"
From: Kahlil Charles Williams
Date: 6/22/2006, 6:30 AM
To: "David J. Becker" <>

I would have to agree with David on this. I think there is substantial concern
in the civil rights community and beyond about whether renewal will occur.
Though most would agree that it is still highly likely, the statements and
behavior of the leadership give us reason to suspect that the current bill will
not be the one renewed. This, then, raises a larger question of whether a bill
passed with "poison pill" amendments (i.e., recent presidential elections,
automatic bailout with AG option to bail in) is VRA renewal in any real sense.

While some may disagree on odds that the architects of the current bill
"gambled" on at the outset of the reauthorization process, I think all
oddsmakers would concur that the bill has gone from a favorite to an underdog
after this week's events.

As a final note, I think Gene Taylor (D-MS) is the only Democrat that may be
against Section 5 renewal at the point. He's made some statements about the
extension of Section 5 nationwide.


-- Kahlil C. Williams Ph.D Candidate, Political Science University of Pennsylvania