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PRESS CONFERENCE CALL on today's supreme court decision AT 3:00 PM EDT;
Call-in number is 877.713.2255, Access Code: 4953273
WASHINGTON, DC: The U.S. Supreme Court today announced its decision in Randall v. Sorrell, a case addressing the constitutionality of Vermont's comprehensive campaign finance law, passed in 1997. The Supreme Court, in a splintered decision, struck down limits on campaign donations and campaign spending imposed by the state of Vermont. According to the National Voting Rights Institute (NVRI), the narrow majority decision undermines states' authority to fight corrupting influence of money on elections.
NVRI and Vermont-PIRG and allies in campaign finance reform work will hold an open press conference call today at 3:00 pm to answer questions and discuss the decision. Call in number is 877.713.2255, Access Code: 4953273.
Participating will be:
Brenda Wright, Managing Attorney of NVRI (argued the case before the Court)
Paul Burns, Executive Director of VPIRG
Stuart Comstock-Gay, Executive Director of NVRI
Nick Nyhart, Executive Director of Public Campaign (Public Campaign helps to coordinate many efforts across the country to pass public financing of elections)
Chellie Pingree, President of Common Cause (Common Cause has been a leader in campaign finance issues for decades)
Professor Mark C. Alexander, Seton Hall University Law School (expert on campaign finance and constitutional law)
Adam Lioz, National Democracy Advocate, Vermont-PIRG
About NVRI. The National Voting Rights Institute (www.nvri.org) is a Boston-based, non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to making real the promise of American democracy that meaningful political participation and power should be accessible to all regardless of economic or social status. NVRI represents a number of organizations and individuals defending the constitutionality of the Vermont law.
About VPIRG. The State PIRGs a national network of nonprofit, nonpartisan public interest advocacy organizations work to preserve the environment, protect consumers, and promote accountable government. With 20,000 members statewide, Vermont PIRG is Vermont's largest environmental and consumer watchdog organization.
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax