Question, on behalf of a Georgian who hopes for a change from their
ballots' strict alphabetic-order listing-- Do you know of any
experience, or views, that may be helpful to her point:
"Now that we vote entirely on computer touch-screens, I see no
reason why each ballot couldn't have a different order."
I have no info about Georgia's general experience with their
alphabetic listing, but do know (from earlier exchanges with other
Georgians) that of their 19 appellate judges, elected statewide, the
four who first went on the bench by election as opposed to by
appointment are named Andrews, Barnes, Bernes, and Blackburn.
Roy A. Schotland
Georgetown U. Law Ctr.
600 New Jersey Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
phone 202/662-9098
fax 662-9680 or -9444