Subject: trivia about Randall v Sorrell
From: "" <>
Date: 6/26/2006, 2:37 PM

The U.S. Supreme Court campaign finance decision
announced today is called Randall v Sorrell.  Neil
Randall, the lead plaintiff, was elected to the
Vermont legislature in 1998 as a Libertarian Party
member-nominee (he was state chair of the Vermont
Libertarian Party).  However, he also had the
Republican nomination as well (he was listed on the
ballot as "Libertarian, Republican") and he won with

I don't know why Randall's name ended up as the lead
plaintiff in the U.S. Supreme Court, because when the
case was first filed in U.S. District Court, the lead
plaintiff was Marcella Landell (although Neil Randall
was one of the original co-plaintiffs, he wasn't
listed first).

It is somewhat confusing that Landell and Randall are
such similar names.

Another notable aspect of the case is its extreme age.
 I believe it was filed in 1998.

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