Subject: Re: Why won't mid-decade redistricting bee done simply to protect incumbents? |
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Date: 6/29/2006, 7:19 AM |
To: |
CC:, |
It is difficult to reshape the three New Mexico districts and make any significant Democratic gains without inviting a potential Shaw challenge. You'd have to really pack the districts, which are highly competitive on their face, and in the process you'd be narrowly tailoring by race. The effort to create a south New Mexico M-M district in state court in 2001 led the court to conclude that the so called "south valley" district, which started in Bernalillo county and then flared out toward the southern corners of the state, did not satisfy the concept of a compact minority electorate for Gingles prong number one. So it is difficult to get there from here based on previous experience.
In South Carolina, Jack Spratt's security defies a redistricting effect, and Clyburn's district is one that Republicans have no incentive to mess with.
So, a remap in those two states might net the incumbent party one seat, max . . .
Ronald Keith Gaddie
Professor of Political Science
The University of Oklahoma
455 West Lindsey Street, Room 222
Norman, OK 73019-2001
Phone 405-325-4989
Fax 405-325-0718