Subject: Re: Electionlawblog news and commentary 6/30/06
From: "adam morse" <>
Date: 6/30/2006, 1:24 PM
To: "Rick Hasen" <>
CC: election-law <>

<x-flowed>I haven't done any research on this issue, but the Arizona voting
lottery initiative might face another vote buying problem.  Even if
it's legal prospectively, the retroactive effect means that the state
is essentially giving a small bribe in favor of yes votes-- if enough
people vote yes, then $1 million will be distributed to some lucky
voter in that election.  If the state votes no, then nobody will
receive payments.  I suppose one could argue that this is no different
from a tax reduction initiative, but the fact that voters are being
paid to vote makes it feel different.

--Adam Morse

On 6/30/06, Rick Hasen <> wrote:

"Cast a vote, win $1 million: Initiative makes ballot"

The Arizona Republic offers this report. While this may be a good idea, I'm
pretty sure it would violate federal law if done in conjunction with federal
elections. This is an issue I explored in my article, Vote Buying, 88
California Law Review 1323 (2000) (in section on payments for turnout).
