Subject: Wilkinson article?
From: "Lowenstein, Daniel" <>
Date: 7/1/2006, 10:28 AM

        In the George Will column that Dan T. referenced this morning (see below), Will quotes Judge Harvie Wilkinson, who was "writing in the Stanford Law Review."  The article seems to be about splitting the difference on the Supreme Court, with at least some discussion of Vieth.  Is there anyone here who knows of this article and can provide a citation?  I couldn't find it on Westlaw, but perhaps it is too recent.
          Daniel Lowenstein
          UCLA Law School
          405 Hilgard
          Los Angeles, California 90095-1476

Posted by tokajid at 06:49 AM <>  

More Reaction to LULAC v. Perry

At least six south Texas congressional districts may be affected by the Court's decision, according to this report <>  in the San Antonio Express News. In addition to the district of Henry Bonilla (R-San Antonio), the ones potentially affected reportedly include those of Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo), Lamar Smith (R-San Antonio), Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin), Ruben Hinojosa (D-Mercedes), and Solomon Ortiz (D-Corpus Christi). Meanwhile, George Will has this comment <>  on the opinion in the Washington Post. And National Journal's Hotline has this post <>  summarizing reactions from some members of the electionlaw listserv.

Posted by tokajid at 06:20 AM <>