Subject: Mexico's election lesson to U.S.
Date: 7/8/2006, 8:28 PM

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Mexico's election lesson to U.S. 

The country's democracy looks messy on the outside, but its transparent system could teach us a few things.

By Robert A. Pastor
ROBERT A. PASTOR is a professor at American University in Washington and director of its Center for Democracy and Election Management. He is also director of the Jimmy Carter-James Baker Commission on

July 8 2006

IN 1986, I OBSERVED an election in Mexico's northern state of Chihuahua and learned almost everything I would ever need to know about election fraud. Last week, I observed elections again in Mexico, but this time, I concluded that the United States and the world could learn much from Mexico about how to conduct and judge a free and fair election. 

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,51027.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions 

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