I enjoyed your editorial. And I support your perspective on bailout. However, I think you may be undersestimating the scope of inclusion of jurisdictions under the Norwood Amendment. I've attached a graphic that shows counties picked up by the Norwood amendment based on just the 2000 and 2004 voter participation data. As you can see, a sizeable swath of geography gets picked up, and mainly in the states already covered by section 5. This is far from a gutting of section 5 coverage.
I'm also trying to crosswalk these data with instances of recent Section 5 challenges and Section 2 lawsuits to see whether or not the areas of greatest concern continue to be covered.
Ronald Keith Gaddie
Professor of Political Science
The University of Oklahoma
455 West Lindsey Street, Room 222
Norman, OK 73019-2001
Phone 405-325-4989
Fax 405-325-0718
E-mail: rkgaddie@ou.edu