In the wake of LULAC, I've been looking closely at the state laws regarding
congressional and state legislative re-redistricting. As I have been doing
so, I stumbled across a June 7, 2006 law in New York that establishes new
congressional districts. The new district descriptions are dense, so I
can't determine what the substantive changes to the districts adopted in
2002 are. Is anyone familiar with the circumstances? Also, is anyone
familiar with the circumstances surrounding changes to the 1992
congressional districts made in 1997 and 1998?
My first thought is that these are minor technical changes that resolve
non-contiguous or unassigned geography. Virginia has made post-2002
"technical adjustments" to its state legislative districts, too. But
sometimes a small change can be much more, such as shifting of a candidate's
home into a new district.
Dr. Michael P. McDonald
Assistant Professor, George Mason University
Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution
Mailing address:
(o) 703-993-4191 George Mason University
(f) 703-993-1399 Dept. of Public and International Affairs 4400 University Drive - 3F4 Fairfax, VA 22030-4444