Subject: Upcoming House Science/Administration Voting Technology Hearing
From: "Joseph Lorenzo Hall" <>
Date: 7/17/2006, 12:03 PM
To: "Election Law Listserv" <>

<x-flowed>"Voting Machines: Will New Standards and Guidelines Prevent Future Problems?"

Witness List for Hearing Scheduled for July 19, 2006 2:00 PM, 2318
Rayburn House Office Building.

The final committee hearing schedule will be posted by Tuesday, July
18 at

This is a joint hearing being held by the House Committee on Science and
the House Committee on Administration.

WITNESS LIST: [As of Friday, July 14, 2006]

* Ms. Donetta Davidson - Commissioner, Election Assistance Commission (EAC).
* Dr. William Jeffrey - Director, National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST).
* Ms. Mary Kiffmeyer - Secretary of State for Minnesota.
* Ms. Linda Lamone - Administrator of Elections, Maryland State Board
of Elections.
* Mr. John Groh - Chairman, Election Technology Council, Information
Technology Association of America (ITAA).
* Dr. David Wagner - Professor of Computer Science, University of
California at Berkeley.

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
PhD Student, UC Berkeley, School of Information
