Subject: RE: Thursday on Votelaw
From: "Smith, Brad" <>
Date: 7/20/2006, 8:49 AM
To: "election-law" <>

Excerpts from the article on Cynthia McKinney that Ed links:
By Matthew Cardinale, News Editor and National Correspondent, Atlanta Progressive News (July 18, 2006)


About the author: Matthew Cardinale is the News Editor and a National Correspondent for Atlanta Progressive News ... This article contained additional reporting by Matthew Cardinale, News Editor.

Made me chuckle, anyway.
-Brad Smith


From: on behalf of Edward Still
Sent: Thu 7/20/2006 8:37 AM
To: election-law
Subject: Thursday on Votelaw

To read these and earlier stories in full, go to 

Florida: how to turn $50 into $5000 in fines and penalties <> 

The Orlando Sentinel reports: It started small, like most troubles do. A mundane $50 late fee back in the 2000 election has festered in years of disregarded registered letters, escalating fines and unpaid default judgments by both the Florida Elections... 

Mississippi: Tupelo spending big bucks on two suits <> 

The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reports: Soaring legal costs for Tupelo's annexation case and other lawsuits could climb to $200,000 when the year is finished. City leaders Tuesday agreed to set aside $100,000 more for iits annexation fight with Lee... 

Texas: analyses of the re-redistricting proposal <> 

Kuff's World reports: Ready to get back to reviewing and analyzing redistricting map proposals? Of course you are. Good news: there are a couple of thorough efforts to examine. First up is this report (PDF) by local political consultant Mustafa... 

Wisconsin: elections board adopts rule for voter I.D. <> 

AP reports: Voters without a driver's license could still cast a ballot on Election Day under action taken Wednesday by a state board. But their ballot would be tossed if they didn't come up with their license within a day.... 

Georgia: McKinney claims Diebold machines "flipped" her votes <> 

Atlanta Progressive News reports: "You've got electronic voting machines. Many people called in and shared their concern. They pushed the button for Cynthia McKinney and Hank Johnson came up. It wasn't one time, it wasn't two times, it was many,... 

Georgia: some poll workers asked for photo I.D., despite court orders <> 

The Macon Telegraph reports: Some Bibb County poll workers did not seem to know that Georgia's new voter ID law was not in place for Tuesday's primary. The Telegraph observed workers at several polling places refusing one of the 17... 

Michigan: Dems file brief asking state supreme court to rule against voter I.D. law <> 

AP reports: The Michigan Democratic Party, the Michigan Legislative Black Caucus and the Democratic caucuses in the state House and Senate filed a friend-of-the-court brief Tuesday in a case that could decide whether Michigan can require voters to show photo... 

Edward Still
attorney & mediator
Suite 201
2112 11th Avenue South       
Birmingham AL 35205
  phone 205-320-2882
  fax toll free 1-877-264-5513

Edward Still
attorney and mediator
Suite 201
2112 11th Ave S.
Birmingham AL 35205
  phone 205-320-2882
  fax toll free 1-877-264-5513 <> <>