Subject: Re: Stewart v. Blackwell to en banc
From: "Joseph Lorenzo Hall" <>
Date: 7/21/2006, 5:53 PM
CC: "Smith, Brad" <>,

<x-flowed>On 7/21/06, DANIEL TOKAJI <> wrote:

I've been on the road most of the day but got word from my co-counsel that
an order granting rehearing en banc issued, as Brad notes, along with a
briefing schedule.   (I'm one of the attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants.)
I'm told that Plaintiffs' brief is due net month, Defendants' answering
briefs in September, and a reply some time after that -- which would mean
that oral argument won't likely occur before October.   I'd expect the order
to appear on the Sixth Circuit's website by tomorrow.

Here is an AP report:

OH: Appeals court to hear punch-card ballot case

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
PhD Student, UC Berkeley, School of Information
