Subject: Re: Stewart v. Blackwell to en banc
Date: 7/21/2006, 2:59 PM
To: "Smith, Brad" <>

I've been on the road most of the day but got word from my co-counsel that an order granting rehearing en banc issued, as Brad notes, along with a briefing schedule.   (I'm one of the attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants.)  I'm told that Plaintiffs' brief is due net month, Defendants' answering briefs in September, and a reply some time after that -- which would mean that oral argument won't likely occur before October.   I'd expect the order to appear on the Sixth Circuit's website by tomorrow. 


Daniel P. Tokaji
Assistant Professor of Law
The Ohio State University
Moritz College of Law

----- Original Message -----

From: "Smith, Brad"

Date: Friday, July 21, 2006 4:37 pm

Subject: Stewart v. Blackwell to en banc

> I am informed that the 6th Circuit has granted en banc review in
> Stewart v. Blackwell (punch card case).
> Brad Smith
> Professor of Law
> Capital University Law School