Subject: Florida Reform Party rebounds
Date: 7/22/2006, 1:53 PM

<x-charset utf-8>The following article appears at

Third Party Candidate for Governor of Florida Poses Serious Challenge
Candidate Profile
July 19, 2006 10:39 PM EST

With many Americans becoming more and more dissatisfied with both major political parties, there is more and more talk of third-party candidates posing serious challenges to both Democrats and Republicans.

For example, Florida's mainstream political parties are facing the possibility of a political upset with the emergence of a powerful third party challenge. Max Linn, the president of Florida Citizens for Term Limits is throwing his hat in the ring Thursday, July 20th with an 11:00 am news conference in the Rotunda of the State Capitol in Tallahassee followed by his official filing with the Florida Department of State Division of Elections.

The full article can be read at:

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