This e-mail
contains important information about the election law listserv. If you
are receiving this message you are a member of the listserv. Please
read the important information below.
1. Listserv subscriptions. Basic information about
subscribing, unsubscribing, and accessing the archives appears in the
FAQs at the bottom of this message. A few points to emphasize. To
post a message to the list, send an email to
<>. In order for your message to
post, you must post from EXACTLY the same email address that you used
to subscribe. To see how you are subscribed, you can have the listserv
computer send you a list of all subscribers (currently 714 subscribers)
by pointing your web browser to:
and filling in your information. If there is a discrepancy and you
need your email address changed, or if you have multiple email
addresses and need to remove some, please send me a private message
with your information. Unsubscribe requests can take up to a week
to process. Please do not let your mailbox fill up. When it does,
Dan Lowenstein and I get an error message EVERY TIME anyone posts to
the list. Between those error messages and spam sent to the list, we
get HUNDREDS of junk list-related messages each week. If you let your
mailbox fill up, we will drop you from the list.
2. Election Law address database. If you would like to add
your information to the election law database, which lists names,
addresses, phone numbers and emails of people interested in election
law, point your web browser to
<>. The database also
allows for printing address labels for sending reprints. To access the
database, use the term "election" as the user id. The password is the
one we've always used for this database---not your private password.
If you don't remember it, or never received it, send me a private
message with the word "password" in the subject line.
3. Election law teacher database. The election law teacher
database is posted here:
<>. This is an
EXCEL file. I update this once a year, and now is the time for
updating. If you have any changes or additions, send a private email
message to my assistant, Betty Kinutha, at
4. Election law exam database. You can find old exams from a
number of election law professors here:
5. Other election law mailing lists, blogs, RSS feeds, etc.
Once a year, we invite anyone who has an email list or other
subscription service related to election law to send a single message
to the election law list with information on how to receive regular
updates or feeds. Now is the time that each individual or group with
such service to send a single message to the election law list.
Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any suggestions for
improvement, send a private message to Dan Lowenstein and me.
The Discussion List for Election Law Professors and Other Interested Participants
The Archives
+ What is ELECTION - LAW?
+ How do I unsubscribe from the list?
+ How do I post messages?
+ Can you tell me more about posting message?
+ How private are my findings?
+ What features should I know about?
+ Whom do I contact for help or additional information?
The ELECTION-LAW list is an Internet Listserv residing at
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. This list is for general
discussion of substantive and pedagogical issues related to
election law and the design and reform of electoral
The group is a private one, which consists primarily of
academics who teach courses or write about questions related
to these subjects. Legal and political practitioners also may
join, subject to the approval of the list manager.
In addition to general issue relating to the subject matter,
the list is intended to serve as a place where subscribers can
discuss ideas they have for scholarship, works in progress,
and problems they are encountering in teaching and conducting
research. Members also are encouraged to share information
about new books or articles and new judicial, legislative and
administrative developments related to election law and the
design and reform of electoral institutions.
New members are encouraged to introduce themselves with a
brief message identifying their curricular and scholarly
interests, as well as anything else about themselves that
others might find interesting.
How do I unsubscribe from the list?
You may leave the list at any time by entering your email
address at
and filling in the appropriate information.
Or you can simply send an email message to: In the body of the message type:
unsubscribe election-law_gl
Please note that this command should NOT be sent to the list
address (this is the address
you use for posting messages), but to the address
How do I post messages?
To send a message to everyone on the list, address your
message to (or click on):
If the message is ever rejected, contact the list managers:
Prof. Rick Hasen at or
Professor Daniel Lowenstein at
Can you tell me more about posting messages?
Please be sure that your name and e-mail address are included
in any message you post. Many, but not all, mail systems are
set up to do this automatically.
If you are responding to a message posted by another list
member, the usual convention is to quote enough of the earlier
message to provide an appropriate context for your reply (many
of us receive dozens of e-mail messages daily, and we may not
always remember the specifics of your prior posting).
However, please include only as much of the prior message as
necessary -- quoting an entire lengthy message in full, when
you are responding only to a part of it, is annoying to many
people and is considered bad "netiquette".
If you are responding to a request for private information, or
have a reply that would more appropriately go only to the
person posting the original message, please send it to that
person directly -- do not send it to the entire list.
How private are my postings?
They are not private. Postings on the list are available in
archived form to the general public at :
What list features should I know about?
To get a list of the addresses on the list, you may use the
"who" command, followed by the name of the list. For example:
who election-law_gl sent to
returns an email message with all the list members.
For additional help on majordomo mailing lists, send the
command "help" to and an automated
majordomo information guide will be sent to you.
Whom do I contact for help or additional information?
Contact the list managers, Prof. Rick Hasen at
or Professor Daniel Lowenstein at
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax