Subject: Re: another point on Pennsylvania ballot access/Green controversy
From: Mark Jakubik
Date: 8/2/2006, 8:28 PM

<x-flowed>I don't think that Pennsylvania Democrats really expect Bobby Casey to win by 1 points.  Pennsylvania has a history of tight statewide elections,.  Casey is running against an extremely well funded incumbent who has only just started to spend money on media.  The race may not tighten, but the odds are that it will, quite a bit, in which case the relative handful of votes that the Greens siphon off coud be decisive.  Add in the fact that Casey is not the most dynamic fellow out there and that Santorum is historically a strong closer, and the picture starts to fill in.  I'll admit I'd rather be in Casey's shoes than Santorum's at the moment, but there is ample reason for the Democrats to perhaps be less than fully confident on this one and to try and avoid any possible flies in the ointment.

Mark Jakubik wrote:
A neutral poll was published today, showing the
Pennsylvania US Senate race is not close.  Democrat
Casey has 50%, Republican Santorum has 39%.

It's absurd for Democrats to get upset about a Green
being in the Pennsylvania US Senate race, when there
are also Greens in closer US Senate races, such as
Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, and Tennessee. Pennsylvania Democrats should do nothing relative to
the Green Party.  What Pennsylvania Democrats have
been doing this year so far in Pennsylvania is working
fine.  Where is the logic?

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