Subject: Republicans did not fund entire Pa. Green Party drive
From: "" <>
Date: 8/2/2006, 3:58 PM
To: David Billings <>,,

Pennsylvania Greens collected 30,000 signatures by
volunteer labor this year, just as they did in 2004. 
They got on in 2004 with no paid petitioners.  Greens
are pretty good at collecting volunteer signatures.

The paid drive paid this year paid for the other
65,000 signatures.  So it's very misleading to just
look at contributions, which of course don't say
anything about the volunteers.

--- David Billings <> wrote:

FYI Republicans funded the ENTIRE Green Party (save
$30 from the
candidate himself)

Even if it makes PA Democrats look like bullies, it
makes PA Greens
look like tools.

"The Luzerne County Green Party raised $66,000 in
the month of June in
order to fund a voter signature drive. The Philly
Inquirer reported
yesterday that $40,000 came from supporters of Rick
campaign (or their housemates). Also yesterday,  we
confirmed that
another $15,000 came from GOP donors and
conservatives. Only three
contributions, totaling $11,000, remained as
possible legit donations.

Today, I confirmed that those came from GOP sources.

- The Green Party listed a $1,000 check from a Bill
Wickerman of
Covington & Burling. There is no such person.
However, a Bill
Wichterman works there. He's a Republican lobbyist
who has also given
to Santorum this campaign.

- James Holman, who in the past has supported GOP
House candidate
Howard Kaloogian, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), and
Rep. J.D. Hayworth
(R-AZ), was incorrectly listed by the Greens as
"James Howmen." He
disclosed that he was an editor at the San Diego
Review; a James
Holman is the publisher there.

- The Green Party disclosed that a "Franklin
Schoneman" of Pottsville,
Pa. gave $5,000. A "Franklin Schoeneman" of
Pottsville has given
$8,000 to Santorum so far this election.

That leaves only one contribution, for $30, as a
legitimate donation
from a Green Party supporter. That came from the
candidate himself,
Carl Romanelli. He made it to his own campaign fund,
not the local
Green Party.

Romanelli's latest FEC report shows his campaign
currently has $17.20 on hand."

On 8/2/06,
<> wrote:
Today, the Pennsylvania Democratic state chair
announced that the party will challenge the Green
Party's ballot access petition.

By contrast, in 2002, Ed Rendell, Democratic
gubernatorial nominee, signed the Green Party
statewide petition, and that was widely
Rendell looked self-confident, open-minded,
by his action.  He won the general election with

Has it occurred to the Pennsylvania Democratic
that the real reason Republicans contributed funds
the Pennsylvania Green petition, was not so much
having the Greens on the ballot would cause the
outcome to change, but because they knew the
would react the way they are reacting?  They look

At least one minor party candidate has been on the
Pennsylvania general election ballot in all
elections ever since the start of
ballots in 1891 (except only 1990).  It's just
for minor parties to be on in Pennsylvania.
Furthermore, it's normal around the U.S.  There
are 33
Senate races this year, and in at least 28 of
there will be a minor party or independent
on the ballot in that race, and perhaps 31 of
U.S. Senate races will have such candidates on the
ballot (only Ohio and Rhode Island US Senate races
definitely Dem-Rep and no one else races so far).

So Pennsylvania Democrats will get the blame for
giving Pennsylvania voters fewer choices than they
accustomed to, and fewer choices than the voters
other states enjoy.  Voters like having choices.

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David Billings
SJ Quinney College of Law at University of Utah,
Class of 2007

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