Subject: Research Committee On Political Finance and Political Corruption (RC 20), Berlin, July 25-28, 2007
From: Menachem Hofnung
Date: 8/3/2006, 1:11 PM

<x-flowed>IPSA (The International Political Science Association Research Committee On Political Finance and Political Corruption (RC 20) plans to hold its next interim meeting in Berlin in coordination with the Law and society Association, as part of the Law and Society annual meeting in July 25-28, 2007. In the coming months I will post further details and an official call for papers but meanwhile, please mark the date and location on your calendar.

For those who are not familiar with IPSA's structure, the Research Committee on Political Finance and Political Corruption is one of 49 research committees that carry on comparative research and meet regularly under the auspices of IPSA.

The objectives of the Committee on  Political Finance and Political Corruption:

The Committee studies the role of money in the political process and in social interaction with public authorities, including all aspects of campaign and party financing in political systems around the world, transnational payments aiming at the proliferation of democratic government as well as corruption in all its manifestations in individual and governmental behaviour.

Members of the research committee cooperate in developing concepts for the analysis of political finance and corruption in politics and administration as well as interactions between them. The committee aims to advance cross-national research and to encourage comparative analysis.

If you need more details off list messages are encouraged.
Menachem Hofnung
Research committee Chair

Department of Political Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
