Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 8/11/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 8/11/2006, 7:20 AM
To: election-law

"California Write-in Case Loses"

Richard Winger of Ballot Access News reports:

The judge's short order is here.

"Second GOP Hopeful Asks for Party Support of Write-In Bid in Texas' 22nd" offers this report. A snippet: "Despite the district's typically strong Republican leanings, the GOP faces a very difficult challenge to defeat the strong takeover bid by Democratic former Rep. Nick Lampson with a write-in campaign, even if just one strong Republican candidate is running. Bids by more than one strong contender likely would split the write-in vote and render the party's effort futile."

"500 new voters might not exist; State activists might be charged over questionable registrations"

The Columbus Post-Dispatch offers this report from Ohio.

"Bonilla could face tough battle in redrawn district"

AP offers this report. See also this column by Carlos Guerra, "Texas redistricting pleases no one, may bring surprises."

"The Per Curiam Precedent of Steel: Buckley v. Valeo as Superprecedent? Clues from Wisconsin and Vermont

Allison Hayward has posted this draft on SSRN (forthcoming Cato Supreme Court Review). I very much want to read this as I'm writing my own article on the Vermont case. Here is the abstract:

"When the Law is Used to Stifle Competition"

Brad Smith has this interesting new post. There is much in this post with which I agree.

"Panel will consider term limit, redistricting changes"

The Sacramento Bee offers this news update, suggesting that term limits and redistricting reform may indeed be put before California voters this November.

"Voter Suppression in Missouri"

The NY Times offers this editorial.

"Democratic Dilemmas: The Conversation No One is Having About the Voting Rights Act"

David Epstein has posted these thoughts at American Prospect Online.
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax