When I see this kind of nuanced argument for a minor party, it strikes me as completely unconvincing. Amidst a fiscal imbalance that is almost unprecedented in American budgetary history, concerns over national security, civil liberties, and a host of other issues, I just don't see conservatives running off even in tens of dozens because a Green candidate wants to cut congressional pensions.
To do so would require that the conservative voters in question have non-single-peaked preference orderings that placed such a nuanced issue ahead of other conservative principles, including laying aside the entire Green perspective on environmental regulation.
I'll assume you were trying to give David a little laugh to help him adjust to the reality that he's not in Europe anymore.
Ronald Keith Gaddie
Professor of Political Science
The University of Oklahoma
455 West Lindsey Street, Room 222
Norman, OK 73019-2001
Phone 405-325-4989
Fax 405-325-0718
E-mail: rkgaddie@ou.edu