Subject: [EL] FW: Voter Fraud in Houston
From: "Richard C. Bozian" <>
Date: 9/25/2010, 12:35 PM
To: "" <>

To:; election-law@mailman.lls.e
Subject: Voter Fraud in Houston
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:29:46 -0400

There is no question that the electoral fraud in Harris County Texas should be investigated and prosecuted. Lacking however is any consideration of the consequence of the fraud. Any and all societal systems carry a risk of fraud but  quantitative as well as  qualitative data need to be factored in   as Larry Levine mentions in his note below.  

It reminds me of the Reagan homily about welfare queens defrauding the system. It was true, but quantitatively that was "peanuts"  compared to what  GOP administrations, with the complicity of too many Democrats, have done to our society through deregulation and fraud. It may  take decades to correct.  

Richard C. Bozian M.D.
Emeritus Professor Medicine
University of Cincinnati

I try to shy away from partisan postings on this web site, but in this case I believe I am responding in kind.
Let me remind all that it is only one party that stations people at polling places in minority neighborhoods to challenge and discourage voters and it is only one part that sends thugs to occupy an elections office and intimidate workers until the counting of ballots in a Presidential election is halted.
The words sound good: election fraud; waste, fraud and abuse in the welfare system; balanced budget amendment. But the melody always winds up off key.
Larry Levine

Click here: - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston
Don't bother reading this article, because we have been assured that there is no such thing as voter fraud. It is a figment of the GOP's imagination.  No, it is really an effort at voter suppression. In any event, it is Bush's fault (it is Houston after all).  Jim Bopp