I don't complain about tone and violating the listserv rules. I think we are all adults and know how to use the delete key. Nonetheless, when James Bopp, who has complained about incivility time and time again, decides to exempt himself from list guidelines and post one bilious email after another, the hypocrisy of it is irritating beyond belief. I have often thought the tone of his emails is unnecessarily nasty, especially from someone who takes umbrage at others so quickly, but I just deleted and moved on. However, he the past two days he keeps posting again and again and again with his discourteous and malignant tone. It would tiresome from anyone - but from someone who whinges so much about incivility, it's outrageous.
RuthAlice Anderson
Admin & Finance Manager
Western States Center
PO Box 40305
Portland, OR 97240
ph: 503-228-8866 ext. 107
fax: 503-228-1965
e-mail: rutha@wscpdx.org
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