I try to shy away from partisan postings on this web site, but in this
case I believe I am responding in kind.
Let me remind all that it is only one party that stations people at
polling places in minority neighborhoods to challenge and discourage voters
and it is only one part that sends thugs to occupy an elections office and
intimidate workers until the counting of ballots in a Presidential election is
The words sound good: election fraud; waste, fraud and abuse in the
welfare system; balanced budget amendment. But the melody always winds up off
Larry Levine
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010
10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [EL] Check out FOXNews.com
- Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter F
Voter registration fraud and voter fraud are two different
things. One doesn't necessarily lead to the other. If those
24,000 phantom voters had shown up at their precinct en masse, you'd think
people would have noticed.
A similar thing happened here in
Arlington, VA this year. A strange coalition of public safety unions,
the GOP, and the Green Party attempted to get a change-of-government
referendum on the ballot to oust the Democratic county leadership.
They hired out of state petition gatherers in violation of Virginia
law. Their roster included local convicted felons who were themselves
ineligible to solicit signatures.. Arlington residents living in a
homeless shelter attested to petitions that on their face could not have
been circulated by them on the days indicated. Nearly a third of
signatures gathered ended being tossed once the voter registrar became aware
of these abnormalities. The registrar notified the police and
Commonwealth's attorney, but alas no arrests have been made. That's
unfortunate. Of course in the Arlington case, most (but not all) of
the actual signatures were legit, it was the mode of solicitation that broke
the law. Still.
The fact is when groups pay people to collect
signatures, be it for referenda or for registration, some people will commit
fraud (and the problem may not just be limited to paid circulators).
Registrars should really catch examples as egregious as the one in this
article. Eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty.
But the
interesting thing is there is not one sentence in this article suggesting
that any person voted multiple times, or voted despite being ineligible, or
that the outcome of any election was ever in doubt as a result.
It's a nice slight of hand that the GOP attempts every election
season to cast doubt on the validity of America's elections, but
registration irregularities do not necessarily lead to fraudulent votes
being cast. Are such incidents problematic? Sure. Can we
conclude from this that organized efforts are underway to steal
elections? Not remotely (and in fact it would be a rather difficult
conspiracy to carry out in practice).
So, Mr. Bopp, when you get some
evidence of actual VOTER fraud, your sarcasm will be warranted. Until
then ...
Jason Rylander*
*licensed in DC and
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:14 PM,
<JBoppjr@aol.com> wrote:
Don't bother reading this article, because we have been assured that
there is no such thing as voter fraud. It is a figment of the
GOP's imagination. No, it is really an effort at voter suppression.
In any event, it is Bush's fault (it is Houston after all). Jim
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