"The Fox primary: complicated, contractual"
Politico offers this
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Foreign Nationals, Electoral Spending, and the
First Amendment"
Toni Massaro has posted this
draft on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
The Court in January of 2010 rocked the nation when it decided
Citizens United v. FEC, a case that critics described as a
"threat to democracy." The case lifted restrictions that
prevented corporations and unions from using general treasury
funds to engage in independent expenditures on behalf of
electoral candidates, and thereby opened the spigot on
significant new spending for political campaigns.
A long list of proposals followed in the wake of the decision,
including proposals to further limit the already restricted
right of foreign nationals to make campaign contributions to
candidates for state or federal office, or to American political
parties. The Court in Citizens United expressly declined to rule
on the constitutionality of restrictions on foreign nationals'
electoral spending, though Justice Stevens argued in his
vigorous dissent that the reasoning of Citizens United casts
doubt on such speaker-based restrictions on campaign spending.
This Essay analyzes in detail whether foreign speakers,
including foreign corporations, can be fenced out of campaign
electoral spending, and concludes that the constitutional case
against such restrictions is very powerful, if not overwhelming.
It predicts that the Court nevertheless will be loath to defy
Congress on this point, particularly if the government invokes a
national security interest or so-called right to prevent "undue
foreign influence" over American elections. Signs are that the
current Court would defer to Congress and uphold restrictions on
foreign national campaign expenditures, were it to address the
question directly. But to do so, it would need to ignore its own
first amendment logic and especially its soaring rhetoric about
the sophistication of American voters and the value of robust
political expression fueled by private expenditures.
Whether this constitutional point matters, however, is
questionable given the rapid development of new communications
technologies. Foreign nationals, like American citizens, now
have multiple ways of reaching potential voters that make
efforts to territorialize such influence infeasible.
Consequently, the most important constitutional question on the
post-Citizens United horizon may not be who can expend funds,
but whether donor identity can be disclosed so that voters can
better evaluate electoral messages from foreign and non-foreign
sources, and whether the privacy objections to such disclosure
can, or should, be overcome.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"McDonnell outpacing Democrats in restoring Va.
felons' voting rights"
The Washington Post offers this
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"New Population Estimates Show Slight Changes
For 2010 Congressional Apportionment, With A Number of States
Sitting Close to the Edge"
Election Data Services has issued this
press release.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"100 Pastors to 'Bait' IRS Today on 'Pulpit
Freedom Sunday'"
The Tax Prof Blog offers this
blog post about this
USA Today article.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Nevada Senate race may hinge on vote for 'none
of these candidates'"
The LA Times offers this
Posted by Rick Hasen at