Subject: [EL] Baucus to probe political spending |
From: "Smith, Brad" <> |
Date: 9/30/2010, 2:54 AM |
To: Election Law |
Politico offers this report about a potential IRS investigation of 501(c)(4)s engaging in political activities. You can read Senator Baucus's letter here.
**How many people on this list honestly believe that Senator Baucus would be considering hearings, and writing the IRS, if there were a perception that these groups favored his party?
See here.
See here.
The NY Times offers this front-page report, which discusses CU a fair bit.
Politico offers this report about a potential IRS investigation of 501(c)(4)s engaging in political activities. You can read Senator Baucus's letter here. I very much hope Senator Baucus's committee does hold a hearing on this very important issue.
WLS-TV (ABC affiliate in Chicago) reports. If this is a real issue (I have no idea about the Chicago residency law), it sure has not hit the radar screen nationally yet.
See here.
See Lever's article, Hill's response, and Lever's reply.
Thanks to Paul Gronke for the pointer.
See this press release about proposed federal legislation which would bar top state "elections officials from serving on an authorized campaign committee, using official authority to affect election results, or soliciting donations for a candidate running for Federal office."
The Campaign Legal Center has issued this press release.
Apparently, plaintiffs have filed this appeal despite Daggett in the hopes of taking advantage of the recent cases the other way and potential cert. in the McComish case.
The Initiative and Referendum Institute has issued this report. Some highlights:
155 ballot propositions in36 states in November.
42 initiatives, 1 referendum,109 legislative measures, and 3 votes on constitutional conventions.
Most: Oklahoma 11; Louisiana and Arizona 10; California, Colorado, and Washington 9; Florida and Oregon 7. For the year: California 14, Louisiana 12, Arizona and Oregon 11.
2010 ballot propositions not on November ballot: 24 propositions in 10 states, including 4 initiatives and 3 referendums.
2010 totals: 179 propositions in 37 states, including 46 initiatives
The Hill offers this report.
The Fix reports.
-- Rick Hasen William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 (213)380-3769 - fax