I am curious as to whether or not there are any major civil cases
(federal or state) that anyone is aware of relating to a state elected
official using official property, funds, staff, and his office for
essentially political purposes in an election year--especially when
there is NO precedent for such action in the agency's history.
A client's opponent--an existing state officeholder--is using public
funds and his office to hold a tailgate party at an upcoming college
football game under the guise of it promoting feral hog abatement--
since it will be at a Razorback's game in Texas.
Never in the Agency's 100 year plus history has anything like this
been done--let alone 15 days before an election in the state's second
largest media market.
It is particularly interesting since this event hasn't been on the
agency's official schedule "all along." It wasn't put on the schedule
until late last week--after my client hit the incumbent on several
major issues and got a lot of press for it.
I'm asking about civil cases because we'd like to explore seeking a
TRO stopping the event.
Vince Leibowitz
election-law mailing list