Subject: Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voting Pilot"
From: Jon Roland
Date: 10/6/2010, 7:56 AM
To: Candice Hoke
CC: "" <>, Jefferson David <>

It is something of an overstatement to say that an effective defense is virtually impossible. It is possible in principle for each voter to get a digital key pair and digitally sign his ballot in a way that would authenticate him and also insure the ballot does not get altered, while maintaining secret ballot standards. The entire voter registration list would have to be digitally encrypted to prevent ballot stuffing by fictitious voters. That would only leave the problem of someone looking over the shoulders of voters to unduly influence the way they vote, so the system would still need to have voters use voting booths where their votes could not be observed by others. Such booths could be made conveniently available everywhere, or even brought to voters unable to get to them otherwise.

Needless to say, doing all this would be an enormously complex process that would be difficult for most voters to grasp. On the other hand, we are probably going to have to do something like that for personal identification generally, using not centralized identification systems, but a digital notary system based on circles of trust. This could lead to a situation in which most people are digitally connected, but a substantial part of the public is left unconnected, digital "nonpersons".

National ID or circles or trust?
A Proposal For Using Authentication Services
Own Your Privacy: Privacy and Security Are Not Antithetical

On 10/06/2010 09:09 AM, Candice Hoke wrote:
Effective defense virtually impossible

-- Jon

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