Subject: Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voting Pilot"
From: Jon Roland
Date: 10/7/2010, 9:14 AM
To: Dan Meek
CC: Jefferson David <>, "" <>

I have received unconfirmed reports of mail-in ballots being prepared in at gatherings of groups, especially of union members, with everyone present overlooking the ways everyone else prepares his ballot. You might want to check whether such a practice is illegal in Oregon or other states. It shouldn't be too difficult to find instances of this occurring. If you find something, report it to the forum and to the media and see what happens.

On 10/06/2010 05:49 PM, Dan Meek wrote:
What do you mean by "That would only leave the problem of someone looking over the shoulders of voters to unduly influence the way they vote?"  Oregon has no polling places and does every election entirely by mail.  Our Secretaries of State have assured us that there is no security or undue influence problem with this system.  Could they be wrong?

-- Jon

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