Subject: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/8/10
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 10/8/2010, 8:06 AM
To: Election Law

October 08, 2010

"Rank the Vote" How to make sure Florida 2000 never happens again."

Nicholas Stephanopoulos has written this piece for TNR.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:53 AM

"Assessing OCE: Separating Rhetoric from Reality"

Meredith McGehee's analysis begins: "The Office of Congressional Ethics is under fire and certainly there is no shortage of Members calling for closing the office altogether or at least stripping it of powers in an attempt to bring it to heel. Either action would be a grave mistake if Congress is to have any hope of rehabilitating itself in the eyes of the public."

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:49 AM

"Correcting Karl Rove's Erroneous Comments On Fox News Channel About Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer"


Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:43 AM

Making News: Not a Party Line Vote at FEC on AO

In the Google matter, the vote was 4-2.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:40 AM

"Election Administration 2010: Numbers to Watch"

That's Sean Greene's lead story in this week's Electionline Weekly.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:35 AM

October 07, 2010

"J'Accuse! President Obama Says Chamber of Commerce Using Foreign Funds to Influence US Elections"

ABC News reports.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:25 PM

Voter Fraud or Legitimate Voter Language Assistance?

I'd like to know more about this Missouri appeal. Is anyone considering application of federal protections for non-English speaking voters under the VRA?

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:19 PM

"Dems Say U.S. Chamber Using Foreign Money on U.S. Races"

McClatchy offers this report. CCP asks if the Chamber is guilty until proven innocent. My view: If we had effective disclosure laws, no one would need to wonder about foreign spending by the Chamber, labor unions, or anyone else.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:14 PM

"Mary Cheney on the Murky World of Campaign Spending" reports.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:08 PM

"Changes Have Money Talking Louder Than Ever in Midterms"

The NY Times offers this report. It has this accompanying graphic.
The Times has now posted this accompanying article.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 07:05 PM

En Banc Ninth Circuit Unanimously Affirms District Court's Denial of Section 2 Voting Rights Act Felon Disenfranchisement Claim; Supreme Court Action in First Circuit Case Now Seems Very Unlikely

Via Howard Bashman come links to the per curiam opinion, Judge Thomas's narrower concurring opinion for four judges, and Judge Graber's opinion concurring in the judgment.

Though there are differences among the judges' opinions, the controlling language is from the per curiam opinion, which reads the possibility of a felon disenfranchisement case under VRA section 2 verry narrowly: "we hold that plaintiffs bringing a section 2 VRA challenge to a felon disenfranchisement law based on the operation of a states criminal justice system must at least show that the criminal justice system is infected by intentional discrimination or that the felon disenfranchisement law was enacted with such intent. Our ruling is limited to this narrow issue, and we express no view as to any of the other issues raised by the parties and amici. We also leave for another day the question of whether a plaintiff who has made the required showing would necessarily establish that a felon disenfranchisement law violates section 2." (original emphasis).

Both the Ninth Circuit case and the First Circuit case raise the VRA section 2 felon disenfranchisement issue. I originally predicted the Supreme Court would take the original Ninth Circuit case, continuing (from an earlier 9th Circuit case) to recognize a VRA section 2 felon disenfranchisement claim) unless the Ninth Circuit reversed the panel en banc. The en banc reversal of the panel decision is exactly what happened today.

There is now no split on this question as the Supreme Court decides whether to hear the First Circuit case. It is unlikely to do so especially in light of the Solicitor General's invitation brief suggesting that the Court should not take the case in the absence of a circuit split, I now think it is exceedingly unlikely the Court will wade into this sensitive area of race an politics at this point. This is sure to disappoint Linda Greenhouse but I see it as better than the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the case.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 05:12 PM

"Democrats conflicted about election spending gap"

The LA Times offers this report.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 11:08 AM

" Withdrawn FEC Nominee Laments 'Broken' Confirmation Process: A Center Interview with Lawyer John J. Sullivan"

This interview appears on the website of the Center for Public Integrity.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 09:48 AM
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax