"How The GOP Went From 48 To Zero In Support Of
Donor Disclosure"
Sam Stein writes
at the Huffington Post.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Court Denies Bid to Block Maine System For
Public Financing of State Campaigns"
BNA report also discussed the 9th Circuit's new decision
in the Human Life case upholding Washington's disclosure
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Bickerstaff: The threat from corporate
Steve Bickerstaff has written this
CU-related oped for the Austin-American
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"How Companies Influence Elections: Political
Campaign Spending Patterns and Oversight At America's Largest
See this
new report from the Sustainable Investments Institute and
IRRC Institute. According to the press
release, "while nearly 80 percent of S&P 500 companies
have disclosed direct political campaign spending policies, 86
percent have no disclosed policies regarding indirect political
Posted by Rick Hasen at
Schotland on the DISCLOSE Acts Shortcomings
Below is a guest post from Roy
Schotland, based upon a comment that will appear in volume
20, issue 3 of the Cornell
Journal of Law and Public Policy, in a symposium on
Citizens United (footnotes omitted, and reprinted with
The DISCLOSE Act's flaws are so significant that they must be
noted, even if briefly. (Only major flaws in the bill's 112
pages are noted here, and they are not listed in order of
1. The bill is remarkably loophole-laden. It naively
(astonishingly so) includes among "covered organizations" only
three kinds of 501(c) organizations, ignoring obviously
available alternative routes for funds, e.g., 501(c)(19):
"A post or organization of past or present members of the
Armed Forces of the United States, or an auxiliary unit or
society of, or a trust or foundation for, any such post or
Imagine how many veterans' organizations will form and at once
become conduits for campaign funds. Also, what of readily
available non-501(c) entities like partnerships and
trusts, and even for-profit corporations to which
contributions could be tax-deductible? See Donald B. Tobin,
Political Advocacy and Taxable Entities--are they the next
loophole?, 6 First Amendment Law Review 41 (2007) and 26 C.F.R.
2. The bill flatly bars corporations from any
independent campaign spending if they have federal government
contracts worth $10,000,000 or more. By itself, that would
bar all sizable corporations but leave unions free to exploit
the deregulation brought by Citizens United--reversing
more than 60 years of treating corporations and unions together
for campaign finance purposes. Perhaps such a reversal should
occur, but that provision is utterly beyond disclosure. How
ironic that a bill aimed at transparency hides behind a false
facade, which happened because the bill deviated to pursue
partisan goals. I'm a Democrat too, but...
That the non-disclosure provisions were completely separable was
made explicit when the sponsors admitted, after the bill had
been blocked in the Senate on September 23, that they (the
sponsors) had told "Senators Snowe and Collins that they were
prepared to change the bill to strip it down to the
disclosure provisions..." (emphasis added)
3. The sponsors evidently seeking to get a bill whatever the
cost, infamously exempted the NRA from being covered by the
new requirements. That move drew such hostile reactions
that the exemption was broadened to include any organization of
"at least 500,000 individuals who paid membership dues during
the previous calendar year." (Sec. 211(c)(27)(B) of H.R. 5175,
at 59). But: Don't we want voters to know when the NRA
or Sierra Club or XYZ funds a campaign ad? On the other hand, if
we don't need disclosure from the major players, do we need
--can we even justify-- imposing on smaller
organizations the burdens of reporting? The smaller the
organization and the larger the burden, the greater the chill on
their participation, i.e., on their speech.
4. Where disclosure is required, the requirements are
unworkable: e.g., requiring reports not merely by spenders
but also by the bill's "deemed" spenders, entities that are
actually donors which will not have the information they are
supposed to report.
5. Desirable as disclosure is and even if reporting involved
no burden at all, there is such a thing as too much
disclosure. The bill's threshold for which donors would be
required to report started at $600 "in an aggregate amount ...
in a calendar year" (Sec. 211(a)(5)(A)(ii)(I)--and as that
citation surely indicates, this bill is complex!). Professor
Briffault (Forthcoming in the Election Law Journal) describes
perfectly why too much disclosure is counter-productive:
[M]assive disclosure ... threatens to inundate us in a sea of
useless data, while potentially distracting attention from the
big donors whose funds play a more meaningful role in
understanding a candidate ... The educational value of knowing
about [the amount of the support] is tied, albeit loosely, to
the fraction of a campaign's war chest attributable to that
donor... [T]argeted disclosure aimed at the largest
[supporters] would sharpen the public's focus ... [And] the
reports come fast and furious as Election Day approaches...
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"I'd like to buy a W, T, and an F please, Pat."
That's TPM's
reaction to ("Wheel of Fortune host) Pat Sajak's National
Review Online post asking whether "state workers be able
to vote in state elections on matters that would benefit them
directly? The same question goes for federal workers in federal
elections." Such talk is not new, and I trace some of its
history in my 2005 Washington and Lee piece. It discusses some
related comments by
Jonah Goldberg.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Rove, Chamber ads widely debunked as false or
Plum Line lists the fact checks.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Lincoln Club Challenges San Diego's Laws
Restricting Contributions, Expenditures"
That's the lead press release at the moment at the James Madison Center.
Note that this is a suit against the county of San
Diego. Jim Bopp and I are on opposite sides of a lawsuit raising
similar issues involving the city of San Diego. That
case, the Thalheimer case, is currently pending before the Ninth
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"When Will It End?"
Caucus: "Campaign-weary Americans may believe they'll
finally know on Nov. 2 whether Republicans or Democrats will
control the next Congress, but it is possible that things may
not be that simple."
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Stand Against Earmarks Grows Lonely as Home
State Sees a Need"
The NY Times offers this
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Chamber of Commerce: The White House Wants Our
Donor Lists So Its Allies Can Intimidate Our Donors"
Jake Tapper interviews
Bruce Josten.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"The Real Story on Campaign Money"
Josh Kraushaar writes
at Hotline on Call.
Posted by Rick Hasen at
"Legal Center Scores Victory in 9th Circuit
Decision Upholding Washington State Disclosure Laws"
CLC has issued this
press release.
Posted by Rick Hasen at