I'm not exactly sure how the Latinos ad
is fundamentally different in kind (with respect to speech) than attack
advertising which is, in part, aimed at reducing the impulse to vote (for
the opposition candidate or vote at all) on the part of weak opposition
partisans or undecideds. And both are different than paying someone
to vote or not vote.
Curtis Gans, Director
Center for the Study of the American Electorate
Center for Democracy and Election Management
American University
3201 New Mexico Avenue NW
Suite 395
Washington, DC 20016-8026
Phones: (202) 885-6295 (o); (703) 304-1283 (c), (540) 822-5292 (h)
Fax: (202) 885-6294
e-mail: gans@american.edu; curtis.gans@gmail.com
Website: http://www.American.edu/ia/cdem/csae