Subject: Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only in Michigan
From: Paul Lehto
Date: 10/24/2010, 7:39 PM
To: "Scarberry, Mark" <>
CC: Election Law <>

On 10/24/10, Scarberry, Mark <> wrote:
Does anyone support such a Condorcet approach? Is it used anywhere in
political contests?

The only time a Condorcet method has been used in an actual public
election (as opposed to corporate or nonprofit elections) it was the
better part of a century ago in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan county
(where I live) of Marquette.  For reasons not completely known to me,
it was abandoned.  IRV is not a true Condorcet-style election.
Paul R Lehto, J.D.
P.O. Box 1
Ishpeming, MI  49849
election-law mailing list